Does the phone signal jammer still work after it passes through the wall?

 Now many schools are busy preparing for the exam room, mainly because the most important exam of the year, the college entrance examination, is coming soon. In response to this most important exam, many schools have actively prepared to lay out what they want in the exam room, ensuring the stability and discipline of the exam room and meeting the core needs of the exam room. Among them, many schools have also bought full-band signal jammers as a countermeasure to deal with the increasingly rampant electronic signal cheating methods, but its effective range is very limited, so a new related question is formed. Is it still effective after it passes through the wall?

Does the phone signal jammer still work after it passes through the wall? Here is a simple explanation for you.

portable GPS jammer

We need to analyze this problem in detail. First of all, you need to understand the power of this telephone signal jammer. Since the single channel is divided into 3W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 50W, and 100W, the effective range formed by different types of power is different. If it is just a small power, it is generally used in an open local area, just the size of a classroom, but if you want it to go through the wall, there is no shielding effect after the actual wall. Therefore, if it is a small-power telephone signal jammer, it is best not to go through the wall, and one can be configured in each classroom. If you choose a high-power one, a machine can be as large as several classrooms or even as large as a building. Generally speaking, there are some questions about purchasing a test telephone signal shielding device. At this time, we can contact Nanjing Baikang Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. to understand the relevant application issues and prices. This is a manufacturer with a first-class elite team service support. It has many years of experience in product development of full portable cell phone jammer and has been highly praised by many cooperative customers, reliably avoiding the fraud of electronic equipment in the examination room.



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