
目前显示的是 九月, 2024的博文

Are more powerful 5G mobile phone signal jammers better?

 What are the safety misconceptions about  cell phone jammers  in detention centers? Custody is in accordance with regulations. Governing bodies led by detainees. For criminals who are inconvenient to be sent to the scene for execution, if the criminal is sentenced to one year in prison or the remainder of the sentence does not exceed one year, the detention office will also control them. The daily tasks of detention facilities are to carry out armed warning and surveillance on detainees in accordance with the law to ensure their safety; provide cultural education to prisoners; manage the daily life and environmental sanitation of criminal prisoners; and ensure investigation. Prosecution and trial proceed smoothly. In order to better adapt to the needs of the new normal, improve the technological protection capabilities of the detention center, improve the technological management capabilities of the detention center, promote the construction of intelligent detention centers, promote t