
目前显示的是 十一月, 2021的博文

What control methods can drones have?

 Unmanned aerial vehicles frequently occur. They are small enough to be used for voyeurism, large enough to steal state and military secrets, small enough to fall and injure a person, large enough to cause airport closures, aircraft delays, and passengers stranded. , Causing serious consequences; Therefore, national laws are constantly improving, and legal documents are issued one by one to strengthen the control and real-name registration of drones; Here we do not make any comments on politics, only analyze drone defense and drone countermeasures; There are several ways to control drones: 1. This method of shooting with a gun seems to be more enjoyable. It is not only controlled but also destroyed. The damage index is higher than five stars. However, there is a problem that is more headache. Forget it, so as not to be embarrassed. In addition, you need to find the right time. Once it falls, it is absolutely not allowed to hurt people. It is important to get off the phone. In addition,