
High-power jammer: the best choice for efficient shielding and security

  With the rapid development of wireless communication technology, the demand for signal shielding is also increasing. As an efficient  signal blocker device , high-power jammer can shield various wireless signals and ensure information and space security. This article will introduce the functions, technical advantages and application scenarios of high-power jammers in detail, and show its important role in modern information security protection. 1. Functions of high-power jammers High-power jammers interfere with and block wireless communications by emitting electromagnetic signals in a specific frequency band, making them unable to work normally. Its main functions include: Signal shielding: Shielding various wireless signals such as 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi, GPS, etc. to prevent information leakage and illegal communication. Wide range: Covering a wide range of shielding, adjusting the shielding radius according to needs, and adapting to different occasions. Real-time monitoring: Real-

Will the distance of the base station affect the working effect of the mobile phone signal jammer?

 With the development of science and technology, communication technology has also been upgraded. As a very advanced digital product today, mobile phones must have been very familiar to everyone, and almost everyone has one and is using it. It has become one of the indispensable tools in everyone's daily life and work. The communication data transmission between mobile phones and base stations is to transmit signals directly to the base station. The base station is a  signal jammer  station in mobile communication technology. It is difficult for mobile phones to make voice calls, surf the Internet, pay and other services. Mobile phones play a very important role in our daily life, but it really doesn't work without base stations. In fact, the emergence of anything has both good and bad. Mobile phones have played a very convenient role in our daily life, but they have also brought us some inevitable problems, such as not being able to use mobile phones in some specific occasions

What is the principle of the signal blocker used in the examination room? How to block the mobile phone signal?

 The college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination are held once a year. At this time, the three major domestic operators will issue reminders: In order to ensure smooth signals near the school, the operator has arranged communication engineers to test the entrances and exits of each examination site and the lounge for parents who send the students to the examination, and to expand the hardware and software of the surrounding base stations to ensure the communication needs of parents in the examination area during the test period. In addition to the mobile signal blocking the data signal, you must also do your best to ensure smooth communication. Every year in the college entrance examination, in order to prevent cheating in the examination, all communication signals in the examination room will be blocked. There are  mobile phone signal blockers  in the examination room, and common signal blockers: At the same time, there is a wireless communication detector ou

The more powerful the mobile phone signal jammer, the better the effect?

 The higher the output power of a mobile phone signal jammer, the more effective it will be. I don’t think that is the case. For example, a space is about 350-600 square meters, and a  mobile phone signal jammer  that blocks about 700 square meters needs to be selected. It's not about making an appointment. After all, the power of the mobile phone signal jammer has a safe power range. Some customers expressed why most stores' equipment has poor blocking effect when the signal is very close, while some stores have very good effects. I think the signal is blocked when the signal is close. The actual effect is poor, I think it is enough to prove that this kind of store is a reasonable and legal store. It is to follow the safety and output power category. On the contrary, when the video signal is very close, the shielding effect is very good and the output power is quite high. Special attention should be paid to these devices, because such devices have exceeded the safe power outpu

Does the phone signal jammer still work after it passes through the wall?

 Now many schools are busy preparing for the exam room, mainly because the most important exam of the year, the college entrance examination, is coming soon. In response to this most important exam, many schools have actively prepared to lay out what they want in the exam room, ensuring the stability and discipline of the exam room and meeting the core needs of the exam room. Among them, many schools have also bought full-band  signal jammers  as a countermeasure to deal with the increasingly rampant electronic signal cheating methods, but its effective range is very limited, so a new related question is formed. Is it still effective after it passes through the wall? Does the phone signal jammer still work after it passes through the wall? Here is a simple explanation for you. We need to analyze this problem in detail. First of all, you need to understand the power of this telephone signal jammer. Since the single channel is divided into 3W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 50W, and 100W, the effective r

How does the signal blocker block the signal and how does it work?

       Nowadays, it is very common to install a  cell phone signal blocker  for the college entrance examination. Its working principle is that when sending and receiving information on your mobile phone, the mobile phone signal blocker is equivalent to a very powerful cheerleading team, shouting loudly and making a very loud sound. The "noise signal" is so loud that your mobile phone can't hear it, and the "mouth" also shouts but the signal blocker. In fact, it is very simple to understand. This is not to block your signal, but to directly interrupt the connection between your mobile phone and the base station. In fact, you can understand that you are whispering with your friends, and suddenly 20 teenagers playing rap come and sing their high notes. At this time, you will find that you can't hear what your friends say for a while. No matter how the mobile phone is upgraded, it needs wireless network equipment, and an invisible network cable is needed to con

In this case, you can use a cell phone jammer

 As a new technology electronic device, smartphones are very popular in today's society and are the main trend of social development. For most young people, unscientific use of it has caused many problems, so why use mobile phones and why should they be banned? What to prevent? Cell phone signal jammers can be used to prevent these problems, and cell phone signal jammers will be used in the national key vocational qualification examinations. There is no doubt that mobile phones have already undergone earth-shaking changes in our daily lives. We can communicate with each other more easily using mobile phones. We can buy or sell goods using mobile phones. It’s almost certain that you can’t live without your mobile phone now. But sometimes, if you're with good friends, relatives, you're at church, if you're committed to homework, you don't have to be on the phone. Thus, the cell phone blocker can now be turned into an effective dedicated tool when the phone is banned.